
För det första så ägnas kvällen åt studier så det blir inte så mycket skrivande här. För det andra så krånglar

Fick detta desperata mejl på en sajt. OBS Jag har inte skrivit till människan.

Its really nice to have message of interest from you , am glad that you email me
and honestly i would like to meet you.Am sending this little message to you n
other to get to know each other better for a  good inter-communication between
us, i stay in western part of africa precisely nigeria,i was surfing through the
net when i came across this site called singlesnet,i registered my using my
country but it denies my access to it, which i dont know what is wrong,then i
try another country and it went through that is why i headed my profile as that
country if my location does not bother you, its will be pleasure to know more
about you. i would love to spend the rest of my life in your arms please send me
more photos of you  and then let see where this will lead us to and very
kindhearted boy and i don't want any one to hurt me of play with ,my feelings
am seeking a honest man who is ready for a true reltionship not minding the
distance between us


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